So it boils down to this:
I've been plugging away at Diablo 3 since it's closed beta up through recent, my character in Mists of Pandara beta is stuck due to a rather nasty bug that I hope gets worked out soon, and I'm in a writey mood.
It begins.
Game: Diablo 3
Platform: PC (Online only...)
Rating: 7 A witch doctor, a monk, and a barbarian walk into a bar...
I fell a little awkward talking about Diablo as a series. To be honest, I never did play Diablo 1. Nor have I played Diablo 2 pure and expansion-less. On top of that, I never made it 100% through Diablo 2. I've seen the cinemas and such, but never played all the way through it. I think I got about 80% through before getting excited about another character and another build so I'd go back to square one. One thing that sticks with me, it had one of the funniest loading screens ever... just cause I'd always yell out "AAAH MY FACE!" at just the right moment... If you've seen it, you know where.
Click for larger: Where do I get that sword? |
There is a lot more that goes into the "feel" catagory in this game. The gruesome and rather grotesque monsters that made me zoom in and shudder when looking at them for the first time. The dark scenes, the hellish levels, all very Diablo-ish. They did a very good job with art. It is pretty! On a personal subjective note, I know they did a desert level in Diablo 2, so I wish they wouldn't use one in Diablo 3 and use this chance explore more unique terrains, but oh well. Music, monsters, bosses, this game just "is" Diablo 3, and due to the distance between the previous and this one, that was a major concern of mine.
Click for larger: Bitches love fist weapons |
Bugs are still quite rampant here and there in the game, but they ease up and become fewer and fewer as time goes on. The AH, which has been strange and fun to follow continues to be online and offline at random points. This still isn't Skyrim, so that's good at least. I haven't encountered anything game breaking just yet. Other then one of the strangest bugs with tooltips. Apparently there must be some items that aren't fully in the game yet they can be link able in chat. But when some one clicks it, the client can't even deal with it and crashes. It sucks because people are using it to troll general chat. Why that's kind of an issue, see below.
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Click for larger: SUPER JUMP! |
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Click for larger: 7 sided strike is pretty boss |
But enough of the doom and gloom. Some more good junk. Skills. I like how abilities are done in this game. You have a gambit of spells or abilities and from there there's a slew of "runes". Runes not only do stat stuff, but they change the effect, look, and in a lot of cases the feel or mechanics of those abilities. For instance, Witch Doctor has exploding frogs as a spell. You summon a swarm of frogs that run out from your origin and explode where your cursor is (moving in random patterns in a cone). One rune turns that into summoning a giant frog that eats smaller enemy NPC's. And there's a whole other rune that makes it rain frogs on top of your foes! The best thing about all of this, is that one list of spells or abilities isn't statistically more significant than any other. It comes down to play style. That is incredibly nice. Something I hated in old wow, and now that I think about it in Diablo 2 as well, is that you got slammed into using a certain rotation or some abilities completely phase out older ones. It sort of sucks because you become stuck in a numbers game. For a handful of people, they like the numbers. Me, I like to look good when I do things on epic proportions. I don't care really how "effective" it is. .01% more damage or -31 stam or blah blah blah, hate that crud. I want the spells to be most of all fun. With Diablo 3, do what ever. Any combo of whatnot can be made to work. It's wonderful.
Quick one line note: The use of physics is super spectacular!
Click for larger: "Arise chicken....arise!" |
And now we sing to the story. Act 1 is good. I wish they would have split 1 quest into 2 or 3 be cause it takes forever and goes through like 4 zones and if you have to stop for one thing or another, you have to start all the way back at the start. Act 2 I'm pretty good with...other than the fact that SPOILER it takes place in the desert which feels like "been here, done that". In act 2, you face a demon called Belial that's supposed to be "the lord of lies". I feel there was a large opportunity missed to expand this game into more acts by making him live up to his name. As it stands now, his 1 lie is pretty poor at that. You walk up, punch him in the face, that's that. Missed opportunity for some interesting story there, I feel. Act 3 and Act 4 get shorter and shorter as you near the end. Especially Act 4. The last of Act 4 is pretty anti-climactic as well. The ending cinema leaves a lot of questions and open ends (one of my primary concerns is "how the fuck do I get back down from here?!?") END SPOILER
Other than that, yeah, pretty solid Diablo game. Well done.
Rating: 7 A witch doctor, a monk, and a barbarian walk into a bar...
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