Friday, September 14, 2012

They Said I Could Be Anything, So I Became A News Post!

So a little bit of news is in order since this blog has stalled for far too long.

Things have been pretty hectically insanely busy the last couple of months.  School has started back up, got a new job, papers, quizzes, making 'sandvitches'.  You know how it goes.

Also, there have been very few games that I've wanted to pick up lately.  Nothing, for the past few months, have really looked at all that interesting (nor have I had the funding to splurge on new games that I wasn't already emotionally invested in to begin with.

However... as mid-late September rolls around....Holy Shit Snacks Batman!  There are so many new games that have just popped into existence and/or about to stomp me in the face as they burn out spots on game store shelves.

So, I'm plugging through Guild Wars 2 to give it a chance for a full impression before my hammer of judgmental justice slams down on it's head...  I can tell you now, I have mixed experiences and opinions on it.

Games to be reviewed:
[PC] Guild Wars 2 (why turret? why!?!)

[Xbox360] Boarderlands 2 (waiting...)

[PC] World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria (from beta to release)

[PC] Bullet Run (short, and terrible)

So yeah, that's what's going on, games I'm reviewing and such.  Stay tuned.  Also, side note: Starting to think of improving the blog's design... Need to think of a more aesthetic logo design and such.

so yeah, Rawar!
--The N00basaurus

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