Hey internet gamer verse, how ya be? It's been a while since the last game review, and lots of things are, well, being crafted for this blog. Among many things, one is a nifty user picture by a talented artist, more info on that at a later time (or just keep up with my FA www.furaffinity.net/user/fuzzyroo.)
Alright, I've been sucked into Wow for a while, and now that my computer up and died, it sort of left me swimming in a null void of gaming. I've almost had crack addict itches from the lack of button mashing. It's been intense.
So I dropped back onto fable 3 to finish up some things here and there. DLC I never did, it was entertaining, just wish there was...."more" Like a multi-tier quest rather than just one quest(ish) thing per download. But I finally found all 50 keys, so I feel happy about it all (Spoiler: Eagle Smashy Stick FTW). I also decided to pre-order Dragon Age 2 (2 days before release.)
On top of everything, I was even able to talk the place where I pre-ordered it from to give me the signature edition (something Bioware did if you pre-ordered the game before a specific date). How I got it was simple, there was some sort of midnight release that wasn't as big as they thought it was going to be and had about 6 copies of the special edition left over. Ka-cow, it's mine bitches. Difference between signature and regular, there's some DLC stuff that if you don't have the signature, you have to buy. There's also some promo gimics here and there (like downloadable sound track and that sort of crud).
I've only been playing it for a couple hours, only long enough to get out of the initial tutorial zone and into some sort of town area. My first impressions are hopeful. It looks like it might be a solid game shaping up. I have been seeing slight images that the game might be...well...a little short...but I'm hopeful that it won't be as bad as I'm worried it possibly could be.
More to come, off to class.
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